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Haslett High School

English | Rohlfs, Sarah


Sarah Rolfs








Phone: (517) 339-8249
Degrees and Certifications: BA English & Secondary Education Michigan State University MA Curriculum & Teaching Michigan State University National Writing Project Teacher Consultant

All important information for English 12 will be available through Google Classroom. This is my second year at Haslett High School and my 15th year teaching overall. Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to learning and growing alongside my students this year! 

English 12


English 12 Supplies

  • Headphones that are compatible with your computer for virtual learning
  • Pens & pencils
  • Notebook or lined paper (for note-taking and assignments)
  • Organization method for handouts (folder, binder, etc.)
  • 2-4 different color highlighters
  • Sticky notes (for annotating texts)