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Haslett High School
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HHS Choirs

CHORALE is made up of advanced musicians with exceptional voices. These students are extremely dedicated to the rehearsal process. Their focus and ability to work with the director must be beyond reproach. In addition to major concerts and festivals, they participate in several honors and invitational concerts. This choir is made up of juniors and seniors. There may be sophomores in Chorale. In addition to their heavy performance schedule, students spend time developing advanced music reading and comprehension skills. Chorale has performed at the Michigan Music Conference in 2005, the American Choral Directors Association's Regional Convention in 2008 and Carnegie Hall in 2006. Select Chorale has been honored as a Michigan Youth Arts Festival Ensemble in 1998, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2014 & 2015. Additionally, they have been named as A Michigan Youth Arts Festival Most Outstanding Choir in 2001, 2004, 2018 & 2019. 

CONCERT CHOIR is made up of intermediate and advanced musicians with developed voices and strong work ethics. In addition to major concerts and festivals, they participate in several honors and invitational concerts. This choir is made up of mostly juniors and seniors although there may be some sophomores and freshmen in the group. In addition to their heavy performance schedule, students spend time developing advanced music reading and comprehension skills. 

TREBLE CHOIR consists of soprano and alto singers in grades ten through twelve. Members of this choir are usually not new to the program and are working on advanced skills such as tonal development and intermediate literacy skills. Treble choir will sing SSA music. They will perform on all major concerts and at festivals. An emphasis on sight reading and comprehension will be stressed.

VARSITY CHOIR is made up of tenor and bass singers who are relatively new to the high school choral program. Many of the students are freshmen and sophomores, but there may be juniors and seniors as well. Varsity choir will sing TB music. They will perform on all major concerts and most likely at festivals. An emphasis on sight reading and comprehension as well as tonal development and basic music theory will be stressed.  

Two audition-based ensembles offer students the opportunity to further expand and enhance their vocal talents. Students wishing to participate in either the Select Women's Ensemble or the Men's Chorale should have few conflicts with the heavy performance schedule. There are no points accumulated for these ensembles, but attendance at every rehearsal and performance is required in order to maintain membership.  

This extracurricular ensemble of women meets twice a week for one hour to sing advanced literature for women's voices. They have consistently received superior ratings at festivals throughout the Midwest and Canada, and have been invited to perform in the Ensemble Invitational Concert at the Michigan Youth Arts Festival in 1993, 1994,1995, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013 & 2018. In 1997 the Select Women's Ensemble was featured at the ACDA Michigan Fall Conference. 

This extracurricular chorale of men meets twice a week in the evenings for rehearsal. The Men's Chorale has consistently received superior ratings at festivals throughout the Midwest and Canada. In 2000, 2004 & 2015, the Men's Chorale participated in the Midwestern Conference on School Vocal and Instrumental Music, were featured at the 2001 American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Central Division Convention in Chicago, and in 2005 traveled to Los Angeles to be featured in the ACDA National Convention. They have also been invited to perform in the Michigan Youth Arts Festival Ensemble Invitional in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 & 2014.