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Haslett High School

Choir Boosters

Parent Involvement

All families with students in the Haslett Choir Program are members of the Haslett Choir Boosters. Booster families and choral directors meet once a month to support and promote the goals and objectives of the Haslett Choir Program. Enrollment in Haslett Choirs, grades 6-12, for the school year, will exceed 600 students and a typical year’s expenses exceed $20,000.00! The Haslett Choir Boosters help make this possible! 

The Haslett Choir Boosters is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that supplements the school budget through community support. The boosters coordinate fundraising activities, provide student scholarships, assist with travel expenses, provide chaperones for off-site activities, and help to facilitate communication among the choral directors, students, families, and the community. The boosters is proud to be involved with a nationally recognized choral program known for its talent, achievements, and dedication to excellence. 

Meetings: The Boosters typically meet at 7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of the month in the Viking room. All choir families are members of the Boosters; no fees or dues are required. All choir families are welcome and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings.