Test Out
In accordance with the Michigan Merit Curriculum Law 380.1278(a)(4)(c), Haslett High School will grant credit to students who earn a qualifying score of no less than 78% on a “test-out” assessment developed by the particular curricular department for a Michigan Merit Curriculum course. In accordance with Michigan Law 380.1279(b), the Haslett School Board will also grant credit to students who are not enrolled in a course but who exhibit mastery of the subject matter of the course by attaining a grade of not less than 78% on a final exam or by exhibiting that mastery through the basic assessment used in the course which may consist of a portfolio, paper, project, or presentation as developed by the particular department for a Michigan Merit curriculum course. This credit, expressed as an “I” for “tested out for credit,” will be recorded on the student’s high school transcript and will be counted toward high school credit.
Note that by “testing out” of a course, a student will miss participation in discussions, classroom activities, and other opportunities to develop the skills that are nurtured by daily contact with the teacher and fellow students. Testing out requires that you put in the necessary time and effort to study and learn the content material. Last summer, approximately 15% of the tests attempted were successful. If you have questions, please contact your counselor or the Associate Principal.
Test out dates 2024: Tuesday, August 6 and Thursday, August 8.
Test out time: 9:00 AM
Test out location: Haslett High School Viking Room
Test out procedure:
1. Completely fill out an online Test Out application between May 22 (Link opens) and May 29 (Link closes) and select a test date. Parent approval for testing out is required. Late applications will not be accepted. The link is ONLY accessible using a student's Haslett Email account. If you are signing up on behalf of your student, you can access the test-out link by having your student sign into their school account and then clicking on the link.
2. If you need to borrow a course textbook(s), please indicate on your application for which course you will need a textbook(s). Current 9th-11th graders: Textbooks may be picked up from the High School Library on June 4, 5, or 6. Current 8th graders: Textbooks may be picked up from the High School Main Office on June 4, 5, or 6.
3. Students who apply for test out will be sent a Google Classroom code via email to access the test out material. This code will be sent out in early June.
4. Take the test that you signed up for on Tuesday, August 6 and Thursday, August 8.
Test results will be sent to you within two weeks. (If your test out has a required essay or other written portion, results may take longer)
- Written portions of the test that are to be done outside of the test out time MUST be completed before you will be allowed to take the test.
If you pass the test, you will need to contact your counselor to make any necessary schedule changes.
You cannot test out unless you have a completed online application.
COMPLETED ONLINE APPLICATIONS ARE DUE May 29. Late applications will not be accepted.
You must turn in an online application with your preferred test date in order to participate. In order to test out, parent approval is required. For questions, contact Mr. Barker at barkersm@haslett.k12.mi.us