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Haslett High School

Advanced Placement (AP) Information


Please view the AP exam schedule for a complete listing of exam dates and times.

AP Testing FAQs

Q:  Does my student have to take an AP exam if he/she is enrolled in an AP course?

A:  The AP exams at Haslett High School are optional, students are not automatically registered to take an exam.  We do encourage all students to take the exam the year they are completing the course as teachers work very hard to prepare students for the exams. 

 Q:  What is the benefit of taking an AP exam?

A:  Students have the ability to earn college credit for exam scores.  The amount of credit varies from school to school.  However, AP curriculum is a nationally recognized curriculum and AP exam scores are widely accepted in institutions across the country, so College Board has placement requirements.

 Q:  Does the AP exam impact my student’s grade?

A:  NO, the AP exam and the grade in the AP Class are two completely separate things.  Please note:  the only way to earn college credit is to take the exam.   A student’s grade in an AP class does NOT impact college credit.

 Q:  Do colleges see AP exam scores?

A:  Colleges do not automatically see student AP scores.  Students have an opportunity to send AP scores to colleges through their College Board Account if they choose to do so but can also choose to not send scores.

 Q:  How much does an AP exam cost?

A:  This year the fee is $100 per exam.  No discounts are given for multiple exams.  Those students that receive free or reduced lunch will receive a reduced fee for the AP exam. 

 Q:  How do I register my student for the AP exam?

A:  Register here:  AP Registration

 Q:  How does my student view his/her AP scores?

A: Students need to log in to their College Board Account and will be able to view scores through this website when they become available in July.

 Q:  How should my student prepare for his/her AP exam?

A:  Your student will prepare for the AP exam all year through the coursework he/she will complete in class.  More information about test preparation can be given through your student’s AP teacher.

 Q:  Can my student take an AP exam if he/she is not enrolled in the class?

A:  Yes, students are allowed to sign up for any AP exam they choose; completing the course is not a requirement for taking an exam.  However, it should be noted that it is very difficult to do well on an AP exam without the benefit of the time in class. 

 Q:  What if my student will be absent on the date of the AP exam?

A:  The AP exam schedule is set by the College Board and the counseling department at Haslett High School has NO control over this schedule.  Please check your individual family and student calendars before registering for an exam.  Administrative approval will be required for a late testing date.  Late testing may be subject to an additional fee that is assessed by College Board.

Please Note: 2025 Digital Testing

Many of the 2025 AP exams are digital exams only. Students MUST know their College Board username and password when they arrive to test. There is no guarantee that students will be able to recover their username or password on test day which may result in an inability to take their AP exam.